In these difficult and ever-changing times, we need community now more than ever. Each Thursday, join NEP and APNNE for a virtual happy hour to discuss the developing COVID-19 impacts.
We offer a space for presenters to come together and share resources, concerns, and inspiration in the midst of unprecedented situations. We will host weekly meetings as the situation continues.
To see notes and topics from past meetings, visit our website.
We would love your feedback on these meetings so far. Please help us by taking this short survey.
Based on initial survey results, we will be offering three breakout topics this week
- Remote work best practices
- Engaging with audiences remotely
- Planning for Fall programming
Do you have a burning question, or a topic you'd like to discuss? Contact us at to share in advance.
**We encourage you to download and test zoom on your device in advance of the meeting - free accounts are available**
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 893 8906 4125
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