Welcome back to the NEP/APNNE Virtual meetings!
Please note the NEW TIME - 3pm EST
Thank you to everyone who has joined us in recent months for fruitful discussions about the real impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, and other issues facing our field right now.
As we move into the summer months, we look forward to discussing the continuing impacts of the pandemic, and how we can use this time to move forward as a community.
This week, we will offer breakout sessions on
- Planning for fall programming
- Engaging audiences remotely
- Incorporating EDI (Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion) principles into our work
Please note: We recognize that one 25-minute break out session is not sufficient to discuss, learn, and grown with regards to EDI principles. Confronting and changing the historically racist systems in our field is a multi-layered issue that takes time and commitment, and is something we intend to pursue in a respectful and inclusive way in future meetings.
The breakout session will not be facilitated, and intended as a space to gather resources and questions to help inform our work moving forward. If you have additional resources or questions to share, please contact us at nepresenters@gmail.com.

**NEW Time and Schedule - every other Thursday at 3pm**
Upcoming virtual meetings
Thursday, June 25 at 3pm
Thursday, July 9 at 3pm
Thursday, July 23 at 3pm

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